What is a healthy relationship?
A healthy relationship means that you and your partner are able to communicate effectively. Being able to ensure you both want the same things, and are able to speak openly with each other is key.
The following are some key aspects of a healthy relationship:
Open and honest communication
It’s okay to disagree and hold different opinions
It okay to argue but not okay to feel afraid during the argument
Allows for individuality and individuality is celebrated within the relationship
Emphasis is placed on bringing out a partner’s best qualities
Achievements are celebrated
Financial independence
Shared decision making
Welcomes affection and closeness
Your sexual relationship is safe and you do not feel forced, coerced or unduly influencedinto engaging in sexual activities that you do not feel comfortable about.
You have access to birth control and sexual health services
You have access to other health and mental health services
You are not being forced, coerced or unduly influenced into using illegal substances, alcohol or criminal behaviour
Accepts the limitation of themselves and their partner
Accepts endings and understands when you say no
Find pleasure in giving without expecting a return on the gift
Acknowledgment of own behaviour and does not blame their partner for their reaction or their behaviour.
Trust’s the memory of the their partner
Does not check mobile phones, messages or emails
Encourages relationships with family members and friends
Encourages hobbies and sport activities
Does not discourage your freedom of choice when it comes to getting dressed or wearing make-up for example
Shows commitment to the relationship
Does not cheat on you or have multiple partners i.e. still using dating sites
Does not play mind games
Believes in equality